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Expert Dental Onlays & Inlays2023-10-18T02:09:00-04:00

Expert Dental Onlays & Inlays for Brighter, Healthier Smile

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If a tooth is decayed or shattered, an onlay or an inlay can repair the damage. The term “indirect restoration” refers to a restoration fabricated outside the mouth and then bonded to the tooth.

A dental onlay can repair a tooth’s form and function when decay or damage has spread onto one or more cusps beyond the chewing surface. It’s superior to fillings because more of the tooth structure is restored.

However, dental inlays are used when the decay or damage is located within the tooth’s cusps rather than outside the margins. Inlays are less intrusive and more conservative than crowns because they are smaller.

Replacement of missing teeth is one of our practice’s specialties. We are pleased to provide state-of-the-art care for dental implants in a relaxing setting and to be your trusted local dental professionals.

Both onlays and inlays can last a long time and look great since they are custom-made to match the shape and color of the tooth exactly. These can help restore your teeth and smile without the need for any intrusive procedures.

Dental Onlays

  • Only when the damage or decay extends beyond the chewing surface of a tooth and covers one or more cusps (the pointed areas of the tooth).
  • They are custom-made restorations fabricated in a dental laboratory based on impressions taken of the prepared tooth.
  • Onlays are typically made from materials like porcelain, composite resin, or gold, offering strength, durability, and a natural appearance.
  • They are bonded onto the tooth surface, covering the damaged area and restoring its function and aesthetics.

Dental Inlays

  • Inlays are similar to onlays but are used when the damage or decay is confined within the tooth’s cusps and does not extend to the chewing surface.
  • Like onlays, inlays are also custom-made restorations fabricated in a dental laboratory.
  • Inlays are created to fit precisely into the prepared cavity, providing a secure and tight seal.
  • They are made from materials such as porcelain, composite resin, or gold, offering strength and durability.

What are Dental Onlays?

A dental onlay is a dental restoration used to repair a tooth with moderate levels of damage or decay. It is an alternative to traditional fillings when the damage extends beyond the tooth’s chewing surface.

An onlay is custom-made in a dental laboratory to fit precisely onto the prepared tooth. It is typically made from materials such as porcelain, composite resin, or gold, offering strength, durability, and a natural appearance.

The onlay is bonded onto the tooth surface, covering the damaged area and restoring the tooth’s shape, function, and aesthetics. Dental onlays provides a conservative and effective solution for preserving tooth structure while repairing extensive damage.

What are Dental Inlays?

A dental inlay is a restorative dental treatment used to repair a tooth with moderate levels of damage or decay. It is an indirect restoration that is custom-made to fit precisely within the cavity of a tooth.

Porcelain, composite resin, or gold, a dental inlay offers strength, durability, and a natural appearance. It is fabricated in a dental laboratory based on impressions taken of the prepared tooth. Once completed, the inlay is bonded into place, providing a secure and tight seal. Dental inlays effectively restore the tooth’s shape, function, and aesthetics while preserving a more natural tooth structure than traditional fillings.

Onlay & Dental Crowns

Both dental onlays and dental crowns are restorative dental treatments used to repair damaged teeth, but they differ in their coverage and extent of restoration.


  • Only when the damage or decay extends beyond the chewing surface of a tooth and covers one or more cusps (the pointed areas of the tooth).
  • They are custom-made restorations fabricated in a dental laboratory based on impressions taken of the prepared tooth.
  • Onlays cover more tooth surfaces than dental fillings and are designed to fit precisely onto the damaged area.
  • They are bonded onto the tooth surface, providing strength, durability, and a natural appearance.

Dental Crowns

  • Dental crowns or caps are used when a tooth is severely damaged, decayed, weakened, or needs cosmetic enhancement.
  • Crowns cover the visible tooth above the gum line, providing complete protection and restoration.
  • They can be made from various materials, including porcelain-fused-to-metal, all-ceramic or all-porcelain, metal alloys, or zirconia.
  • Dental crowns are custom-made to match the natural teeth’ color, shape, and size, providing functional and aesthetic benefits.

While onlays and dental crowns can restore damaged teeth, onlays are more conservative as they preserve more of the natural tooth structure. Dental crowns, on the other hand, provide comprehensive coverage and are suitable for more extensive tooth damage. Your dentist will evaluate and suggest the most appropriate treatment to restore your tooth’s function, strength, and appearance.

Disadvantages and Advantages of Onlays

Advantages of Onlays

  1. Conservative Treatment: Onlays require less removal of healthy tooth structure than dental crowns, preserving more of the natural tooth.
  2. Strength and Durability: Onlays are typically made from durable materials like porcelain, composite resin, or gold, providing long-lasting restorations.
  3. Aesthetics: Onlays can be custom-made to match the color and appearance of your natural teeth, resulting in a seamless and natural look.
  4. Protection: Onlays cover and protect the damaged or weakened areas of the tooth, preventing further decay or damage.
  5. Minimal Sensitivity: Onlays cause less post-treatment sensitivity compared to traditional metal fillings.

Disadvantages of Onlays

  1. Cost: Onlays can be more expensive than standard dental fillings due to the materials and custom fabrication involved.
  2. Multiple Appointments: Onlays require two dental appointments since they are custom-made in a dental laboratory.
  3. Potential for Fracture: While onlays are strong and durable, they can fracture or break under excessive force or if not properly cared for.
  4. Additional Tooth Preparation: Some tooth preparation is required to accommodate the onlay, which involves removing a small amount of healthy tooth structure.

The advantages of onlays, such as their conservative nature, durability, and natural appearance, often outweigh the potential disadvantages. Your dentist will evaluate your specific dental needs and discuss the benefits and considerations to determine if onlays are the best treatment option.

What are the Benefits of Onlays?

The benefits of onlays include:

  1. Conservative Restoration: Onlays are a more conservative treatment option than dental crowns. Less healthy tooth structure is removed, preserving as much of the natural tooth as possible.
  2. Preservation of Tooth Strength: Onlays support the remaining tooth structure. They strengthen the tooth by bonding to the prepared surface, preventing further damage or fracture.
  3. Natural Appearance: Onlays can be customized to match your natural teeth’ color, shape, and contour. They blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, creating a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.
  4. Durability and Longevity: Onlays are made from strong durable porcelain or composite resin. It can withstand normal biting and chewing forces, providing long-lasting restorations.
  5. Protection: Onlays cover and protect the damaged or weakened areas of the tooth, preventing further decay or damage. They act as a barrier against bacteria and plaque, reducing the risk of future dental issues.
  6. Comfort and Functionality: Onlays restore the tooth’s functionality, allowing you to bite, chew, and speak comfortably. They provide a stable and even grinding surface, improving overall oral function.
  7. Minimized Sensitivity: Onlays often cause less post-treatment sensitivity than traditional metal fillings. They provide a better seal, reducing sensitivity to temperature changes and pressure.
  8. Easy Maintenance: Onlays can be cared for just like natural teeth, with regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. They do not require any special maintenance or additional steps for cleaning.

Onlays offer numerous benefits in preservation, aesthetics, durability, and functionality. Your dentist will assess your specific dental needs and determine if onlays are the right treatment option to restore and enhance your smile.

The Right Choice for Dental Restoration!

At River District Smiles Dentistry, we specialize in providing high-quality dental onlays and inlays to help restore your teeth’s natural strength and beauty. Contact us today for more information about onlays or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing your smile!


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Do You Accept Walk-ins and Same-Day Appointments?

At River District Smiles Dentistry, we welcome walk-ins. Our team makes sure to see our patients as promptly as possible. If you’ve experienced a dental injury, we also offer emergency appointments as scheduling permits. For gentle same-day care, call or visit your trusted local Rock Hill dentist today!

Do You Accept Insurance?

Yes, our office accepts most major insurance plans and will make sure that we provide you with every piece of information to help maximize your dental plan.

Choose River District Smiles Dentistry for your family’s general dentistry needs! Call your trusted Rock Hill dentists at (803) 590-9525.

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Choose River District Smiles Dentistry for your family’s general dentistry needs! Call your trusted Rock Hill dentists at (803) 590-9525 to schedule an appointment today. We create smiles you can be proud of, providing unparalleled patient service every step of the way!

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